Friday, March 25, 2011

Lola heroically endured her first teeth cleaning this month. Her smile was so bright, she had to wear shades.

The Littlest Girl Scout

Here she is folks. Your friendly neighborhood Daisy in full uniform.. She's acquired a few patches since this photo thanks to all the grandparents who bought cookies.

The Spring Roll

A couple weeks ago, Lola and a pack of her Children Circle friends descended upon the Huntington Gardens in Pasadena. They were a boisterous bunch as they traipsed through the Children's Garden and the (otherwise) tranquil Japanese garden. The highlight of the day was watching them spend 20 minutes rolling down this little grassy knoll. Remarkably, despite the proximity to the koi pond, no one took a dunk.
Lola and her friends took turns posing in this tree in the Japanese garden..Though I'm pretty sure Lola was the only one who sat with hands folded, shoulders positioned just so..
This cherry tree was just too beautiful not to document..

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Rock n' Roll Gymnast

Lola's been taking gymnastics lessons recently. She has incredible upper body strength now as a result and is a real pro on the monkey bars. Here, however, she entertains her mother with a little rock n' roll styling.