Friday, May 1, 2009

Have A Mud Pie, Won't You?

Last Sunday was Dad's birthday so we ventured down to the Santa Monica Pier. And the adjacent beach. Lola chased waves and made her first mud pie. It was a big day for everyone.

Apologies to Gloria Steinem

Last Saturday, we journeyed to a place called Lollipop Dream where Aurora aka Sleeping Beauty led an awed group of 3, 4 and 5 year old girls in the ways of princess-dom: the curtsey, etc. For two hours. Not an especially P.C. experience to share with your daughter, I know. But damn, it was cute.

The Coronation

Just another princess in a poofy dress...

Lola and Tuesday Live it Up

Princess dresses. Brownie cupcakes. And best girlfriends. Life is good.
Ta-ta for now..
It happens that the littlest of our two rambunctious cats likes to nap in Lola's doll stroller. Lola gets a big kick out of it.

World's Most Tolerant Cat