Thursday, September 19, 2013

Peas in a Pod

Lola rang in her parents' 11th wedding anniversary with lots of good food and smiles.

Lola P. Howe, Second Grader

Three weeks ago, Lola entered second grade, full of vim and vigor. Her teacher Sara is young and newlywed and celebrating her first year as a full teacher. Lola adores her. So far, they've visited the L.A. Zoo, to take in the new orangutans exhibit, choreographed a dance inspired by orangutans (in this video, Lola appears at 18:15) swinging through trees. Just yesterday, Lola asked me whether her bag of potato chips had palm oil in them. "You know Mom, they're ruining the orangutans' forests by cutting down trees for the palm oil." No more palm oil for us!